Year | Laid | Completed |  Ships scrapped            |Pre-Jut | Post-Jut
     | down |           | (age in parentheses)       |        |
     |      |           |Maine (20), Missouri (20),  |   17   |     1
     |      |           |Virginia (17), Nebraska(17),|        |
     |      |           | Georgia (17), New Jersey   |        |
     |      |           |(17), Rhode Island (17),    |        |
     |      |           |Connecticut (17), Louisiana |        |
     |      |           |(17), Vermont, (16), Kansas |        |
     |      |           |(16), Minnesota (16), New   |        |
     |      |           |Hampshire, (15), South Caro-|        |
     |      |           |lina (13), Michigan (13),   |        |
     |      |           |Washington (0), South Dakota|        |
     |      |           |(0),   Indiana (0), Montana |        |
     |      |           |(0), North Carolina (0),    |        |
     |      |           |Iowa (0), Massachusetts (0),|        |
     |      |           | Lexington (0), Constitution|        |
     |      |           | (0), Constellation (0),    |        |
     |      |           |Saratoga (0), Ranger (0),   |        |
     |      |           |United States (0).*         |        |
1922 |      |A, B#      |Delaware (12), North Dakota |   15   |     3
     |      |           |(12).                       |        |
1923 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1924 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1925 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1926 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1927 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1928 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1929 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1930 |      |           |                            |   15   |     3
1931 |C, D  |           |                            |   15   |     3
1932 |E, F  |           |                            |   15   |     3
1933 |G     |           |                            |   15   |     3
1934 |H, I  |C, D       |Florida (23), Utah (23),    |   12   |     5
     |      |           |Wyoming (22).               |        |
1935 |J     |E, F       |Arkansas (23), Texas (21),  |    9   |     7
     |      |           |New York (21).              |        |
1936 |K, L  |G          |Nevada (20), Oklahoma (20). |    7   |     8
1937 |M     |H, I       |Arizona (21), Pennsylvania  |    5   |    10
     |      |           |(21).                       |        |
1938 |N, O  |J          |Mississippi (21).           |    4   |    11
1939 |P, Q  |K, L       |New Mexico (21), Idaho (20).|    2   |    13
1940 |      |M          |Tennessee (20).             |    1   |    14
1941 |      |N, O       |California (20), Maryland   |    0   |    15
     |      |           |(20).                       |        |
1942 |      |P, Q       |2 ships in West Virginia    |    0   |    15
     |      |           |class.                      |        |

* The United States may retain the Oregon and Illinois, for noncombatant purposes, after complying with the provisions of Part 2, III(b).

# Two West Virgina Class.

Note.-A, B, C, D, etc., represent individual capital ships of 35,000 tons standard displacement, laid down and completed in the years specified.

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