September 4, 1945

New York Times.

Upon convening the Imperial Diet, herewith we announce to members of the House of Peers and the lower house:

We issued some days ago a proclamation of the cessation of hostilities and we dispatched our plenipotentiaries and caused them to sign the document relating thereto.

It is our desire that our people will surmount the manifold hardships and trials attending the termination of the war and make manifest the innate glory of Japan's national policy, win the confidence of the world, establish firmly a peaceful state and contribute to the progress of mankind, and our thoughts are constantly directed to that end.

In consummation of the great task, yet would we remain cool, calm, maintain self-composure, exercise patience and circumspection; externally, observe faithfully commitments of the empire and foster concord and amity with all nations; and internally, devote our efforts to reconstruction in every field-the entire nation toiling ceaselessly with one mind and thereby strengthening the foundation of the state.

Nothing shall be left undone in extending aid and support to the families of deceased soldiers, protecting the sick and wounded and promoting the welfare of newly demobilized officers and men and affording succor and relief to all those who have been made victims of the calamities of the war.

We have commanded our Ministers of State to explain the foreign and domestic conditions and the course of events that led to the extraordinary measure. In conformance with our wishes and in accordance with imperial policy to build up the State upon ethical principles, we shall make endeavors in concert with the Government to assist our task and with the millions of our subjects shall unite in service to the state with greater zeal than ever.

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