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                                PAPER III

"It is conceivable that situations may arise in which the wholly 
inflexible provisions of section I of this act might have exactly the 
opposite effect from that which was intended. In other words, the 
inflexible provisions might drag us into war instead of keeping us out." 

I have given my approval to S. J. Resolution 173-the neutrality 
legislation which passed the Congress last week. 

I have approved this Joint Resolution because it was intended as an 
expression of the fixed desire of the Government and the people of the 
United States to avoid any action which might involve us in war. The 
purpose is wholly excellent, and this Joint Resolution will to a 
considerable degree serve that end. 

It provides for a licensing system for the control of carrying arms, 
etc., by American vessels; for the control of the use of American waters 
by foreign submarines; for the restriction of travel by American 
citizens on vessels of belligerent Nations; and for the embargo of the 
export of arms, etc., to both belligerent Nations. 

The latter Section terminates at the end of February, 1936. This Section 
requires further and more complete consideration between now and that 
date. Here again the objective is wholly good. It is the policy of this 
Government to avoid being drawn into wars between other Nations, but it 
is a fact that no Congress and no Executive can foresee all possible 
future situations. History is filled with unforeseeable situations that 
call for some flexibility of action. It is conceivable that situations 
may arise in which the wholly inflexible provisions of Section I of this 
Act might have exactly the opposite effect from that which was intended. 
In other words, the inflexible provisions might drag us into war instead 
of keeping us out. The policy of the Government is definitely committed 
to the maintenance of peace and the avoidance of any entanglements which 
would lead us into conflict. At the same time it is the policy of the 
Government by every peaceful means and without entanglement to cooperate 
with other similarly minded Governments to promote peace. 

In several aspects further careful consideration of neutrality needs is 
most desirable and there can well be an expansion to include provisions 
dealing with other important aspects of our neutrality policy which have 
not been dealt with in this temporary measure. 


See Papers XI and XIV of this series recommending changes in the 
Neutrality Law. On November 17, 1941 the President signed H. J. Res. 237 
repealing sections 2, 3 and 6 of the Neutrality Law with respect to 
commerce with belligerents, combat areas, and arming of merchant 